I presented my work on the impacts of variable pricing on consumer welfare and decarbonization strategies as part of the The Energy Transition, Electricity Prices, and Consumer Behavior session hosted by AERE.
Building Efficiency Variable Pricing Energy Economics
Read MoreI presented my work on the impacts real-time pricing plays on decarbonization of the building sector and firm investment decisisons in energy efficiency technologies.
Variable Pricing Decarbonization Capacity Expansion Modeling
Read MoreWithin the broader panel, I discussed the implications of innovations in artificial intelligence and machine learning on environmental economics, focusing on AI as a tool for solving problems in economic theory, the role of big data, and the impact on causal inference.
Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning International Economics Environmental Economics
Read MoreI presented my work on the implications of Hawaiian Electric Company's time-of-use pilot program at the UHERO Workshop on Energy and Environmental Research.
Workshop Energy Economics Variable Pricing
Read MoreWe explore the potential impacts and inequities of dynamic pricing schemes on residential electricity consumers in Hawaii.
Presented by Dr. Tarui at the 8th Hawaii-Kobe International Conference on Applied Economics.
Energy Environment Economics
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